#1 What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Provides an introduction concerning Gary’s life, how these revelations regarding the kingdom came to him, and what are the initial three successive parts of …

#2 What Is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Adds further highly revealing examples and testimonies regarding this split-work pattern evidenced in the kingdom. Also, most importantly we see why Yahweh splits a …

#3 The Timing of the Kingdom
We find that the kingdom, like King Saul, actually came early, before its time. Also, we consider what Christianity truly is—the breach, the great …

#4 Splitting the Kingdom To Make It Clean
Addresses why Yahweh splits kingdom works—to humble us and to make us clean. A passionate and highly valuable appeal is also made, particularly to …

#5 Splitting the Body, Splitting the Bride
First, we see who are the obedient people of Genesis 49:10. Also, the breach of the Millennial Reign is clearly and amazingly attested when …

#6 The Covenant Pattern
This opens with the passionate message regarding the overwhelming utter failure of women today to evidence godliness. Next, the split work evidenced in marital …

#7 The Government of Coverings
Begins with Gary’s personal story in understanding Yahweh’s instructions about beards and headcoverings, which led to publishing the book Coverings. We find that Yahweh …

#8 The Office of Elijah
By examining John the Baptist, who had the spirit of Elijah, we learn where the office of Elijah originates, how it has continued, and …

#9 The Nazirite Vow
This is an incredible and highly compelling session, early on delivering a passionate appeal to uncover the rock and build upon it what is …

#10 Stacking Time, Cutting It Short
This opens with a stirring appeal for the necessity to live righteously, adding moral virtue to your faith. Here we also learn how Yahweh …

#11 The White Throne Judgment, Plus the Responsibility of Youth
What are the three resurrections? Where do the lake of fire and white throne judgment fit into Yahweh’s timing? What is the lake of …

#12 The Governmental Nature of the Human Body
Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and thereby prophesies, just as did the tabernacle or Solomon’s temple. How we groom or …